- Name
- The PTO's 2001 Revised Utility Examination Guidelines For Gene Patent Applications...
- Cite
- 33 Seton Hall L. Rev. 127
- Year
- 2002
- Bluebook cite
- Cherylyn A.P Esoy, Note, The PTO's 2001 Revised Utility Examination Guidelines For Gene Patent Applications: Has the PTO Exceeded the Scope of Authority Delineated by the Court's Interpretation of a "Useful" Invention?, 33 Seton Hall L. Rev. 127 (2002).
- Author
- Cherylyn A.P Esoy
- 33 Seton Hall L. Rev. 127
- Item Type
- article
- Summary
- The article follows a history of the utility requirement. The article comments on the PTO's strict adherence to the credible, specific, and substantial utility requirement and further states that the Federal Circuit has since articulated a low standard of utility. The article recommends that the PTO discontinue this strict adherence.
Excerpts and Summaries
- Created
- Thursday 28 of May, 2009 20:36:52 GMT
by Unknown
- LastModif
- Tuesday 01 of September, 2009 16:25:03 GMT
by Unknown
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