- Name
- Note: Gene Patents: How useful Are the New Utility Requirements?
- Cite
- 23 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 337
- Year
- 2001
- Bluebook cite
- Mattias Luukonen, Note: Gene Patents: How useful Are the New Utility Requirements?, 23 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 337 (2001).
- Author
- Mattias Luukonen
- 23 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 337
- Item Type
- article
- Summary
- "This note proposes that the current utility guidelines, when applied to gene patents, allow patent applications to be granted without a substantial demonstration or disclosure of a gene's actual utility." The article argues when doing large scale sequencing efforts will cause some organizations to receive substantial benefits, while deterring others from conducting basic research. The article discusses specific utility requirements for biotechnology and discusses the new utility guidelines.
Excerpts and Summaries
- Created
- Thursday 25 of June, 2009 22:05:51 GMT
by Unknown
- LastModif
- Thursday 25 of June, 2009 22:05:51 GMT
by Unknown
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