- Name
- A Review of Recent Decisions of the US Ct of Apps for the Fed. Cir.: Practical Utility is Useless
- Cite
- 36 Am. U. L. Rev. 811
- Year
- 1987
- Bluebook cite
- Eric P. Mirabel, A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: "Practical Utility" is a Useless Concept, 36 Am. U. L. Rev. 811 (1987).
- Author
- Eric P. Mirabel
- 36 Am. U. L. Rev. 811
- Item Type
- article
- Summary
- This article argues that the original interpretation of utility by the court was when the court held "a process which operated as disclosed to produce a known product is 'useful' within the meaning of section 101." Therefore, the article argues that succeeding interpretations provide unintended meanings of utility.
Excerpts and Summaries
- Created
- Tuesday 30 of June, 2009 01:22:40 GMT
by Unknown
- LastModif
- Tuesday 30 of June, 2009 01:22:40 GMT
by Unknown
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