- Name
- Does David Need A New Sling? Small Entities Face A Costly Barrier To Patent Protection
- Cite
- 4 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 184
- Year
- 2004
- Bluebook cite
- Jeff A. Ronspies, Does David Need A New Sling? Small Entities Face A Costly Barrier To Patent Protection, 4 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 184 (Fall. 2004)
- Author
- Jeff A. Ronspies
- 4 JMARRIPL 184
- Item Type
- article
- Summary
- This comment discusses the disadvantages faced by many small entities under the current patent law and proposes several solutions. The Background section begins with a brief discussion of the evolution of modern patent law, the ways in which it currently affects small entities and congressional efforts to maintain an increasing level of small-entity innovation through protective legislation. The Analysis section describes how the costs incurred by small entities in seeking to obtain patent protection, including application filing costs, litigation costs and intangible costs, often place such entities at a significant disadvantage in today's economy. Finally, the Proposal discusses several measures to counteract the loss of innovation that may result if large entities continue to dominate the patent system.
Excerpts and Summaries
- Created
- Wednesday 12 of August, 2009 16:11:38 GMT
by Unknown
- LastModif
- Wednesday 12 of August, 2009 16:11:38 GMT
by Unknown
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